Main page of Nation's Memory Institute

Leaflets about totalitarianism

Nations Memory Institute in cooperation with European Network Remembrance and Solidarity prepared mutual project to support educational activities for students of primary and secondary schools called Leaflets about totalitarianism. Result of the project are leaflets (illustrated by authentic photos) focused on topics and historical events related with the period of unfreedom in Slovak history (1939 – 1989), aiming to present consequences of the totalitarian regimes for young generation.

The authors (researchers from Nations Memory Institute) opted for an attractive description of historical events and clearly pointed acts of violation of human rights and religious freedom in the period of unfreedom, revealing the practices of the Nazi and communist regimes in the Slovak national as well as international context. Leaflets are designed mainly for students of primary and secondary schools. This project is part of the educational projects of the Nations Memory Institute aiming to brought period of unfreedom into the young generation in the attractive and effective form in the national as well as international context. In 2014, leaflets with topics "Holocaust", "Forced collectivization", "Candle Manifestation", "Year 1968 in Czechoslovakia", "Persecution of Churches" and "Fall of the Communism" have been prepared. In 2015 will be prepared also another topics. Leaflets were published in 4,000 copies in Slovak version and 1,500 copies in English version. Leaflets are also available for download in website Publishing of the leaflets was supported by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity.


download: english version (.pdf) 1,1 MB, slovenská verzia (.pdf) 1,1 MB

Forced collectivization

download: english version (.pdf) 1,2 MB, slovenská verzia (.pdf) 1,2 MB,

Persecution of Churches

download: english version (.pdf) 1,2 MB, slovenská verzia (.pdf) 1,2 MB

Year 1968 in Czechoslovakia

download: english version (.pdf) 1,2 MB, slovenská verzia (.pdf) 1,2 MB

Candle Manifestation

download: english version (.pdf) 1,1 MB, slovenská verzia (.pdf) 1,1 MB

Fall of the Communism

download: english version (.pdf) 1,8 MB, slovenská verzia (.pdf) 1,8 MB
