Matej Medvecký, Jerguš Sivoš, Peter Jašek - Following the Footsteps of Iron Felix. The State security in Slovakia 1945 - 1989
The book Following the Footsteps of Iron Felix deals with the history of once nearly allmighty State Security in Slovakia. Its ambition is to focus on Slovak part of the State Security´s history and present it to the widest public in Slovakia and abroad. The book consist also of many fotographs and supplements.
Price: 26.46 €
August ´68 Occupation and Civil Resistance in Slovakia in Photo Documents from the Archives of the Nation´s Memory Institute
In an effort to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the occupation of Czechoslovakia on August 20, 1968 by the military forces of the Warsaw Pact, the Nation´s Memory Institute has published a monography compiled of authentic iconographic documents. The documents are obscure genuine photographs as well as documentation from the Institute´s Archives and they document the moments of the invasion.
One of the reasons that led the Institute to publish the monography was an existing, rather simplified visual perception of the occupation. The notion of the occupation in Slovakia has been familiarized with the rich and dramatic visual material originating in Prague, but much less with the footing from Bratislava, with perhaps the most well-known collection of photographs from the centre of Bratislava shot by a photo reporter Ladislav Bielik who later had to face communist persecution. For this reason, the publication charted a different course and aims to present the infamous August days of 1968 as the inhabitants of various Slovak regions viewed them. Besides the authenticity of the mentioned photographs and documents their major "added value" is their origin.
The publication has been written in a popular scientific style and the intent is to address the widest possible range of people, especially the younger generation who did not witness these events firsthand.
The publication is published both in Slovak and English.
Price: 10.29 €
Martina Fiamová (ed.) - Anti-Semitic Legislation in Slovakia and Europe
On September 8–9, 2011, the international scientific conference Anti-Semitic Legislation in Slovakia and Europe was held on the ground of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava. It was organized by the Nation's Memory Institute and the European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity in cooperation with the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University and the Department of General History of Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava.
Price: 7.00 €
NKVD/KGB Activities and its Cooperation with other Secret Services in Central and Eastern Europe 1945 – 1989
Anthology of the international and interdisciplinary Conference
Anthology of the international and interdisciplinary Conference NKVD/KGB Activities and its Cooperation with other Secret Services in Central and Eastern Europe 1945 – 1989 contains papers presented on November 14th – 15th, 2007 in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. In the Conference participated experts from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Canada, Russia, Lithuania, Romania and Italy.
In the Anthology are published papers of the Conference participants divided into six panels:
1. Security Archives as Sources of NKVD/KGB Activities
2. From Soviet Advisors in Satellite States to Soviet Security Schools
3. Central and Eastern Europe as a Base for Espionage against the West
4.NKVD/KGB Co-operation with Satellite State Security Services
5. NKVD/KGB Activities in Occupied East Germany and Austria
6. Final Conclusions
Presented Anthology also contains a Declaration on a Conference, speeches delivered at the Conference opening and information about accompanying events as well as Conference partners and donors – The International Visegrad Fund and The Konrad Adenauer Foundation – whom we would like to thank for their kind support.
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