Main page of Nation's Memory Institute


  • Disclosure of documents to public
  • Disclosure and description of registration protocols as primary operative records of State Security
  • Prompting criminal prosecution at the General Prosecutor's Office for killing persons through State Security's activity and for committing crimes against humanity by killing 42 civilians on the Slovak-Austrian border
  • Documentation of victims of 1968 occupation and counsel to citizens in the process of reparation
  • Reconstruction and disclosure of organisational and personnel structure and activities of the Counterintelligence Directorate in Bratislava (XII. directorate of National Security Corps)
  • Reconstructing and publicizing the organizational and personnel structure, and activity of the Regional Directorate of the National Security Corps – The State Security Directorate from 1981 – 1989
  • Reconstructing and publicizing the organizational and personnel structure, and activity of the Border Patrol's 11th Brigade – The Intelligence Department (Bratislava)
  • Publication of the object files and operative correspondence files of the communist intelligence service (1st Directorate of the National Security Corps)
  • Publication information on territorial divisions of the communist intelligence service (1st Directorate of the National Security Corps) in Slovakia
  • Publication of a list of state officials for Central Committee of Czechoslovak Communist Party and Central Committee of Slovak Communist Party
  • Publication of secret orders of Ministers of the Interior between 1948 and 1989
  • Publication of a list of state and military officials ranking in the State Security authorities
  • Disclosure of expropriated and liquidated Jewish enterprises
  • Publication of a specialized magazine named Nation's Memory since 2004 (on a quarterly basis), monographs, anthologies and documents
  • A series of lectures on the period of oppression for secondary schools and universities
  • Inconspicuous Heroes project for students of primary and secondary schools
  • Publicizing collections administered by the Nation's Memory Institute's Archives
  • Organization of scientific conferences, seminars, lectures, and exhibitions
  • Regular Nation's Memory Institute Discussion Evenings
  • Production of documentaries
  • Production and editing of video records of persons, who fell victim to totalitarian regime
  • Disclosure of lists of persons forcibly abducted to Soviet gulag camps
  • Creation of internal digital documentation system
  • Digitization of archived materials and their primary indexing
  • Design and production of its own web site
  • Digitization of archival film documentaries
  • Transcription of registry, registration and archival books to digital format
  • Presentation of information and disclosure of documents to public authorities
  • Collection of archival documents stored in the premises of Ministry of the Interior of the SR, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice and Slovak Information service
  • Offering archival services to researchers, historians, journalists and general public
  • Cooperation with domestic and international partner organisations
  • Joining the international European network of institutions that administer written records of the former security forces from the period of communism
