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The statutory tasks of the Nation's Memory Institute include promotion of the ideas of freedom and the defence of democracy against regimes similar to Nazism and Communism. The Nation's Memory Institute therefore strongly condemns the now year-long military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, preceded by an eight-year long conflict that began with Russia's occupation of Ukraine's Crimea and part of the Donbas in 2014.


The webinar is produced for teachers of primary schools and secondary schools working with students aged 13–18, in particular teachers of history and civic education, as well as teachers of all subjects especially from Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary and all English-speaking schools.


KLUB 89 a Ústav pamäti národa s podporou Veľvyslanectva USA na Slovensku a Veľvyslanectva Holandska na Slovensku si Vás dovoľujú pozvať na medzinárodnú vedeckú konferenciu „Ľudské práva v zápase za slobodu v minulosti a dnes. 45. výročie vzniku Charty 77".
Konferencia sa uskutoční 4. októbra 2022 v Zichyho paláci na Ventúrskej 9 v Bratislave.


Nations Memory Institute on the occasion of the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism prepared a thematic video where Peter Jašek explains reasons and consequences of the Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact.


We, the members of the Network, hereby declare our indignation at the destruction of a precious source of historical memory and of the restitution process. We also express our solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues who have not forgotten their profession amid the days of war.


Ústav pamäti národa a mestská časť Bratislava – Staré Mesto Vás pozývajú na výstavu Obete komunizmu na Slovensku. Vernisáž výstavy sa uskutoční pri príležitosti Pamätného dňa – Dňa pamiatky obetí komunistického režimu, 24. júna 2022 o 14.00 hodine na Jakubovom námestí v Bratislave. Podujatie bude spojené s kladením vencov pri Pamätníku obetiam komunizmu na Jakubovom námestí.


Ústav pamäti národa vás pozýva na prezentáciu zborníka zostavovateľky Beáty Katrebovej Blehovej ʽAnnus mirabilisʼ 1989 and Slovakia: From a totalitarian regime to democracy. Súčasťou prezentácie je prednáška prof. Wolfganga Muellera z Inštitútu pre východoeurópske dejiny Viedenskej univerzity Rok 1989 z dnešnej perspektívy.


Sound in the Silence je projekt spájajúci umenie, vzdelávanie a históriu. V rámci projektu sa mladí ľudia z rôznych krajín spolu so svojimi učiteľmi stretávajú na vybraných miestach Európy, ktoré sú zvlášť poznačené históriou 20. storočia.
Cieľom je motivovať mladú generáciu Európanov ku komplexnému pohľadu na zložitú spoločnú minulosť.


The Nation's Memory Institute, whose mission is to publicize information about the past of totalitarian regimes available and to preserve the memory of their crimes for the edification of living and future generations, strongly condemns the military aggression of the Russian Federation against democratic Ukraine.


On 22–24 September, participants of the educational project In Between? – Neighbours Meet in the Borderlands gathered in Berlin. Focused on discovering the heritage of border areas, the annual programme is delivered by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS).


Call for Applications for the Summer School in the Slovak–Polish Borderland

Application deadline is 15 July 2021

In Between? is an educational project for students interested in exploring the history of European borderland regions, organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS).


Desiaty ročník Festivalu slobody bude vzhľadom na aktuálnu epidemiologickú situáciu iný – hoci niektoré tradičné súčasti programu nie je možné uskutočniť, diskusie budú vysielané v rozhlase alebo cez internet. Program tak bude dostupnejší pre divákov, ktorí by pre rôzne okolnosti nemohli prísť osobne.


European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS) invites visual arts amateurs and professionals, fans of history, cultural anthropology, sociology aged 18 – 25 to apply for the online edition of the international project In Between? – Image and Memory, which focuses on the relations between visual arts and memory studies.


Complexities of the 20th-century explained to young audience in an interactive and engaging way – this is the main idea behind the 'Hi-story lessons' animations.


Hi-story lessons. Teaching & learning about 20th-century European history. Timelines" is a multilingual educational project with the aim of creating an interactive website, which supports the process of teaching and learning about the 20th-century European history.


On September 8–9, 2011, the international scientific conference Anti-Semitic Legislation in Slovakia and Europe was held on the ground of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava. It was organized by the Nation's Memory Institute and the European Network of Remembrance and Solidarity in cooperation with the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law of Comenius University and the Department of General History of Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava.


The third edition of European Remembrance Symposium was concluded with the final lecture given by Pieter Lagrou, a lecturer from Free University of Brussels. He stated that: We live in a situation of memory competition, in which we pay more or less attention to one or other memory. We have to make choices what memory we find more important, which doesn’t mean forgetting the other events.


Nation’s Memory Institute (Ústav pamäti národa, Slovakia) and European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (Warsaw) in collaboration with The Institute of National Remembrance (Poland), Study Centre for National Reconciliation (Slovenia), German Association for East European Studies (Germany) and Polish Embassy in Bratislava organized international scientific conference Political exile from Central and Eastern Europe. Motives, strategies, activities and perceptions of East and West, 1945-1989.Two-day conference took place at the Historical building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava in November 19 – 20, 2013. The conference was supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media upon a decision of the German parliament.


The second international European Remembrance symposium take place on 10-12 October in Berlin. Almost 200 representatives from 120 institutions and non-governmental organisations focussing on 20th-century history from 23 European countries discussed the form and nature of the contemporary culture of remembrance and associated historical education. The event was organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship, and the European Solidarity Centre. Nations Memory Institute is one of the partners of this symphosium.


International and interdisciplinary conference

The European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (Warsaw) in collaboration with the Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE, Oldenburg), the Institute of Contemporary History (IfZ, Munich–Berlin), and the Slovak Institute of National Remembrance (UPN, Bratislava).