
ŁATKA, Rafał. Stefan Wyszyński and the Game in a "Triangle":The Holy See – National authorities of the Polish People´s Republic – Polish Episcopate II

(from 1971 to 1974)

This scientific study aims to provide more information on the attitude of the Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński on the activities and the game, the authorities of the Polish People´s Republic decided to play against the Holy See, with an intention to marginalize the Polish Church and the role of the Episcopate in Poland. In the 1970s, the Primate Wyszyński played a crucial role not only in the Polish Church but also in the whole society. Majority of the Poles accepted him as a natural authority and his opinion had to be taken into consideration also by the authorities of the Polish People´s Republic, this was evident especially in the second half of the 1970s. The year 1974, when permanent working contacts were established between the Polish Government and the Vatican. The final point is the year 1974 and the election of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła to the papacy who adopted the name John Paul II. Till now, the issue presented in this analysis has not been focused on by the researchers dedicated to the latest history of Poland and the Central and Eastern Europe, and therefore the article is of a pioneer and innovative character.
